
🍰 Baker’s Quest - Spring 2023

A mobile app for users wanting to learn new baking skills. Players “beat” levels by following recipes given to them by Pastry Pete.


UI Design

Instructional Design

🖥️ Figma Variables - Fall 2023

A project created during Fall 2023 in Prototyping II utilizing variables, a new feature in Figma. The project is a mockup of a coffee shop’s website; it can be toggled between a light/dark mode and a modern/classic style

Advanced Prototyping

UI Design

UX Research

🌸 Olfactory - Fall 2023

A fragrance e-commerce site for users searching for their niche fragrance. Made for those who want to explore both feminine and masculine scents.

Lean UX/Agile

UX Research


UX Research

UI Design

💀 Skeleton Key - Spring 2024

A video game deal-finder for gamers on a budget. On the website, users can search for a game and purchase from the retailer with the best price.


UI Design